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Laser Genesis is a revolutionary skin rejuvenation treatment that is taking the skincare industry by storm. This non-invasive laser treatment has been proven to stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

What is laser genesis treatment?

Laser Genesis is a non-invasive laser treatment that is designed to improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin. It uses a specific type of laser to gently heat the upper dermis and stimulate collagen production. This can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and enlareged pores, as well as improve skin tone and texture.

The Laser Genesis treatment is typically performed in a series of 4-6 sessions, spaced about 1-2 weeks apart, depending on the patient's individual needs and goals. During the treatment, a handheld laser device is passed over the skin, delivering controlled pulses of laser energy.

The procedure is generally painless, although patients may experience a mild warming or tingling sensation. There is no downtime or recovery period required after the treatment, and patients can typically return to their regular activities immediately.

Laser Genesis is often used to treat a variety of skin conditions, including:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Enlarged pores

  • Uneven skin tone and texture

  • Scars

  • Rosacea

  • Diffuse redness


How should I prepare for laser genesis treatment?

Before your Laser Genesis treatment, there are several things you can do to prepare:

  1. Avoid sun exposure: It is important to avoid sun exposure for at least two weeks before the treatment, as sunburned skin cannot be treated with lasers. If you must go outside, be sure to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.

  2. Avoid other skin treatments: Avoid other skin treatments, such as chemical peels or microdermabrasion, for at least one week before your Laser Genesis treatment.

  3. Avoid certain medications: Some medications, such as Accutane, can make your skin more sensitive to the laser. If you are taking any medications, be sure to let your healthcare professional know before your treatment.

  4. Cleanse your skin: On the day of your treatment, be sure to cleanse your skin thoroughly and remove any makeup or skincare products.

  5. Wear comfortable clothing: Wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the area being treated.

  6. Arrive with no makeup or fragrances: Avoid wearing any makeup, perfume, or other fragrances to your appointment, as they can interfere with the laser treatment.


Is laser genesis treatment safe?

Laser Genesis treatment is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified healthcare professional who is trained in the use of lasers. The procedure is non-invasive, meaning there is no cutting or incisions involved, and there is minimal risk of complications or side effects.

That being said, as with any medical procedure, there are some potential risks and side effects to be aware of. These may include:

  1. Mild redness or swelling: Some patients may experience mild redness or swelling in the treated area, which typically resolves within a few hours to a day after treatment.

  2. Temporary pigmentation changes: In rare cases, Laser Genesis treatment may cause temporary changes in skin pigmentation, such as hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) or hypopigmentation (lightening of the skin).

  3. Blistering or scarring: Although rare, blistering or scarring can occur if the laser is not used properly or if the patient has a pre-existing skin condition that makes them more susceptible to these complications.

  4. Eye injury: Laser Genesis uses a bright light, so it is important to wear eye protection during the treatment to prevent any potential eye injury.

  5. Infection: Although rare, there is a small risk of infection with any medical procedure.


To minimize the risk of complications, it is important to choose a qualified healthcare professional who is experienced in the use of lasers and to follow all pre- and post-treatment instructions carefully.

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